Tuesday 18 March 2008

Final Piece

I feel that the project has been mostly successful and I am pleased with my final outcome. I feel that I gained a suitable degree of mastery of the withies and achieved a result which matched my design drawings. There was a certain degree of distortion in the final outcome due to the high tensions in some of the thicker withies. If I was to make another similar sculpture I would be careful to reinforce the profile rings more to prevent deformation.

the outcome is closely linked to my observations and artists. I have carefully taken elements from the work of Wilson and Randall-Page. The structure is very thin and spindly; reminiscent of Wilson's work and contains Randell-Page's spiral geometry. I am very pleased with the view from inside and the spiral patterns that have emerged. The spirals were a key element in the design and I think they will be well noticed provided the sculpture is hanging at the right level. If I had had more time and resources I would have made a much larger sculpture, possibly with two entrance points.

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